How are fertilizers classified?


Fertilizers are products that contain nutrients beneficial to agricultural crops. In recent years, innovation has allowed them to become increasingly effective and provide better results. In addition, sustainability is an increasingly important factor in fertilizers.

The objective pursued with the use of fertilizers is twofold. On the one hand, we seek to add to the soil of the crop those components necessary to ensure the correct nutritional development of the plant and, on the other hand, to return to the soil all the nutrients that have been lost as a consequence of climatic and natural conditions.

History of fertilizers and their use

Soil fertility has been a factor of great importance throughout history. The earliest evidence of awareness of this issue dates back to 2,500 BC in Mesopotamia, where farmers realized that much higher crop yields could be achieved on certain soils. Subsequently, it became evident that fertility decreases with the passage of time, so they began to look for solutions.

However, we do not find the first reference to the use of fertilizers until ancient Greece, where manure was used in vineyards. The next important milestone was in the 13th century, when Pietro Crescenzi referred to a remarkable increase in the use of fertilizers.

However, going back to more recent history, it is worth noting that it was during the 20th century when most progress was made in fertilizers, which were mainly produced based on phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Nowadays, the evolution towards liquid fertilizers stands out. fertilizers in liquid formand the importance of organic matter and biofertilizers. biofertilizers to improve and recover soil quality.

Fertilizer classification

We can highlight four types of fertilizers:

  • Inorganic fertilizers. As their name indicates, these are products that are not made from organic matter, but are produced industrially, transforming some components into a nutritive solution for the crop by means of a chemical process. Their main advantage is that the nutrients they provide can be used immediately by the plant.
  • Organic fertilizers. In this case, we are talking about products derived mainly from the remains of other organisms such as plants or animals. Among their main advantages are their positive effect on soil composition and structure.
  • Organic-mineral fertilizers. They are made from organic matter, but nutrients of mineral origin are also added during manufacture. As indicated by the AEFA their main benefit is that they provide the crop with organic matter and nutrients in a single product.
  • Amino acids, seaweed and humic extracts. Amino acids are mainly composed of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen. Their main benefit is their contribution to the improvement of crops under stress, facilitating their nutrition with less energy use. Algae are an organic fertilizer that can improve the soil and stimulate the crop in a sustainable way. Finally, humic extracts are also organic compounds that stimulate soil fertility.


In Spain, the last most important legal amendment regarding fertilizers was Royal Decree 999/2017, which establishes the microorganisms that can be part of a fertilizer, in addition to other aspects such as new types of products or regulations concerning the labeling and identification of this type of products. On the other hand, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have unified in the Regulation (EC) No. 2003/2003 the Community directives on fertilizers. In addition, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge has compiled all the national and European and European legislation on fertilizers.

Foliar fertilizer: Do you know what your crop needs?

Foliar fertilizer is a product that allows the fertilization of plants when applied directly on the leaves. In this way, a sprayed solution is applied to the foliar mass of the crop. However, as pointed out by the Spanish Association of Agronutrient Manufacturersthe use of this type of fertilizers must be complementary to the fertilizers that help fertilization in the soil and to those produced by the plant itself.

What is foliar fertilizer used for?

The foliar fertilizer has a series of specific utilities that allow to solve in a very effective way some nutrition problems in crops. Among other benefits, we can highlight that:

  • They make it possible to cover needs that would require greater difficulty or waiting time on the ground.
  • It helps to quickly correct nutrient and other element deficiencies since, when sprayed directly on the crop, its absorption is much faster than that of other types of fertilizers.
  • Contributes to boosting specific crop stages. Due to its fast effect, foliar fertilizer can be used to accelerate specific crop stages such as flowering, fruit set, fattening or ripening.

How nutrients are absorbed by the leaves when applied by foliar application

The nutrient absorption process begins when the foliar fertilizer comes into contact with the leaves of the plant. This process consists of three stages. First, the product is applied to the leaves, where it must remain for a few hours to increase the probability of absorption. In the second stage, the nutrients begin to be absorbed, but not before overcoming some natural barriers such as, for example, the cuticle and the outer wax layer of the leaves. The nutrient is then transported through the different layers of the leaf to the epidermal cells. Finally, the nutrients in the foliar fertilizer are distributed to the different organs of the plant where they are needed (Castillo, R. G. M., Marín, G. P., & León, R. G, 2013).

What characteristics must a fertilizer have in order to be foliar applied?

  • It is applied by direct spraying on the plant.
  • It is sensitive to climatic changes. Therefore, avoid applying them on rainy or sunny days.
  • They are very efficient. Their effect on plants is usually noticed very quickly.
  • They are a great ally as a complement, since they provide plants with beneficial elements such as magnesium, iron, etc.

Foliar fertilizer for crops: types, time of application and dosages

Foliar fertilizer for olive groves

The types of foliar fertilizers that can be used in olive groves are those rich in nitrogen or amino acids. In addition, the most appropriate time to apply them is during March and April, when the tree starts its vegetative growth. Another point to bear in mind is that depending on the stage of the tree we should apply one type of foliar fertilizer or another. At Agran you will find the best solutions for the olive grove.

  • Flowering. During this stage we can use Agran Mixwhich will provide a cocktail of micronutrients and Breakoutwhich will act as an enhancer of flowering and fruit set.
  • Olive fattening. In this case, calcium is suitable to enhance cell division, growth and fruit size increase. For this purpose, we have Vitol.
  • Ripening and fat concentration (oil). It is advisable to apply products rich in potassium such as Super K and amino acids such as Agran Amino.

Foliar fertilizer for citrus

Another crop where we can use foliar fertilizer is citrus. Based on our citrus crop citrus crop programwe recommend the following products to improve the condition of your crops according to their needs:

  • Improve sprouting. One of the products that will help you the most is Super Nitrowhich will provide nitrogen to the crops. In addition, it can be combined with microelement correctors such as Agran Mix.
  • Improve flowering and fruit set. The following are recommended Breakoutis recommended to promote flowering and fruit set, and Calciumto provide calcium.
  • Fruit fattening and obtaining color. To achieve this, potassium is of great importance, which you can provide with Super K.

Foliar fertilizer for horticultural crops

The horticultural crops can also benefit from the from the properties of foliar fertilizer. Among other things, it can help to:

Promote continuous flowering and fruit set. We can achieve this through activators that manage the energy and physiological balance of the crop such as Breakout.
Prevention of calcium deficiencies (Blossom end rot) thanks to Calcium.
Fruit fattening. For this, you can use Vitolwhich will also act as a growth promoter.

In short, foliar fertilizer is a product with many utilities. In addition, the fact that we can use it in specific cases and stages of crops makes it a very effective product. However, to achieve the best results, remember that it is important to follow the indications that you can find on our website or on the product packaging.

¿Cómo afronta Ágran el COVID-19 ?

El pasado sábado 14 de marzo se publicó el Real Decreto 463/2020 que declaraba el estado de alarma para la gestión de la crisis sanitaria ocasionada por el virus COVID-19.

Responsabilidad social ante el COVID-19

Esta repentina situación ha afectado a la sociedad en varios aspectos: sanidad, economía, sociedad… Y como ya sabéis, es responsabilidad de todos ayudar a que esta desafortunada crisis sanitaria acabe cuanto antes y con las menores consecuencias.

Las medidas de higiene y la precaución se convierten en nuestras grandes aliadas. Así como, será de gran importancia realizar un seguimiento de las novedades que comuniquen a diario los organismos oficiales.


Cómo afronta Ágran Liquid Technology la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19

Tras la declaración de estado de alarma por parte del Estado y hablar con los responsables del asesoramiento jurídico-laboral de la empresa, hemos decidido tomar una serie de medidas de precaución.

Según el anexo del RD, no estamos obligados a cerrar la compañía. Por ello, la actividad debe continuar pero eso no nos exime de actuar con la máxima precaución para que, como hemos comentado antes, esta situación dure el mínimo tiempo posible.

Por ello:

1. Sentido Común

Es fundamental que actuemos como unidad, y no de forma individual. Las acciones individuales afectan al resto. Por eso debemos actuar en cada de nuestras decisiones (dentro y fuera del trabajo) con sentido común.

2. Fabricación bajo pedido

El stock de Ágran Liquid Technology pasa a depender de una fabricación bajo pedido. Sólo atenderemos pedidos previamente formalizados, para los que dispongamos de stock asociado.

3. Gestión online.

Será fundamental apoyarnos en la gestión online, evitando así, el contacto físico. Nuestro equipo estará 100% operativo, a través de teléfono, Whatsapp, email…

4. Reuniones comerciales.

Las reuniones comerciales se llevarán a cabo de manera presencial cuando sea estrictamente necesario. En estas reuniones habrá un máximo de 4 personas, con guantes y mascarilla y  manteniendo la distancia de seguridad.

5. Gestión de la agenda.

Es importante que si necesitas reunirte con nosotros, solicites previamente la cita por teléfono o email. Para que podamos gestionar los tiempos por anticipado.

Estamos ante una situación muy cambiante donde 24-48 horas se han convertido en el largo plazo. Os seguiremos manteniendo informados de nuestros pasos.

Ante cualquier cuestión, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros. Estaremos encantados, de resolver cualquier duda.

Una cosa más… Esto también pasará y cuando pasé… ¡Estaremos preparados!