Citrus budbreak is the most important moment in the beginning of the crop and, in the case of citrus, spring budbreak is crucial. This is so because, depending on how it has developed, the productivity and quality of the fruit can achieve greater or lesser efficiency. In other words, the more bud break, the better the harvest results.
For all these reasons, it is recommended to apply stimulating solutions after harvesting the fruit in order to obtain the best possible sprouting for the following production.
Factors involved in citrus sprouting.
There are several factors involved in citrus sprouting:
- The climate
- The amount
- The time of permanence of the fruit on the tree
In that sense, the residence time is the most important because the fruits promote gibberellin synthesis and bud transport, thus preventing sprouting and altering differentiation.
Velocity, sprouting activator solution
Velocity is a 15-5-5 NPK solution with micronutrients indicated for foliar application from the early stages of crop development.
In addition, it provides a great stimulus in the crop, increasing cell hydration and the beginning of sprouting processes. It promotes the increase of reserves, available energy and final production.
Application advantages of Velocity:
- Promotes faster, more uniform and vigorous sprouting.
- Responds quickly and effectively to stressful situations or lack of development.
- Increases the effectiveness of foliar nutritional and phytosanitary treatments.
- Contains surfactants that provide immediate assimilation and reduce losses due to washing and runoff.
- Activates the natural formation of enzymes, phytohormones and amino acids involved in cell division.
- There is no risk of burns or staining of fruits and leaves.
For citrus, Velocity requiresapplications every 30 days in mixture with the phytosanitary treatments and in doses of 5-10 L/ha from sprouting.