Pistachio is a crop of recent incorporation in Spain, especially if we compare it with other fruit and nut varieties. Therefore, every year new and relevant information is obtained to increase the productivity of the crop. A crop where nutrition, pruning and management are essential to achieve high yields. In this article we will give the 4 keys in the flowering and fruit set of pistachio trees to know the main considerations of its flowering and fruit set process.
1. Flowering as a key to high production
This flowering in the pistachio tree occurs gradually and anticipates budding, where the tree is slowly covered with foliage. However, in the case of the pistachio tree it is somewhat more special if we compare it, for example, with the almond tree. This occurs because it has productive female flowers and male flowers because it is a dioecious tree. At this stage, it is important to ensure good pollen quality, and this factor depends a lot on the weather (uncontrollable) and the nutritional situation of the tree (controllable).
Correct pollination of the female flowers will ensure adequate fruit clusters for quality and production at the end of the season. Therefore, being a dioecious tree, tree management is important . Why? With pruning and plant nutrition we achieve an ideal balance of branches and clusters on the tree. This will favor a more receptive flowering for fertilization.
2. Male flowers
In the case of male flowers, they are located mainly in the basal branches of the tree. They are the first to mature as opposed to those located in the upper parts of the tree. These flowers emit pollen continuously for several days, being interesting to ensure trees with good size to achieve a greater distribution of pollen.
3. Female flowers
The female flowers have a totally physically distinct shape from the male flowers. Each flower bud harbors about 150 ovules, being receptive to pollen from the male flower for 3 or 4. Therefore, this period of fertilization can be extended for more than 1 week until the formation of all the fruits takes place. It must be taken into account that each ovule of the female flower is only receptive for 24 hours. The final aim is to form between15 and 20 fruits per bunch. This figure would indicate a high quality of pollination and fruit set.
4. Importance of nutrition in pistachio flowering.
In addition to weather considerations and tree health, it is important to have accumulated reserves from the previous season. Otherwise, the lack of energy in the physiological balance of the tree will damage the number of viable female flowers and the quality of pollen in the case of male flowers. It is therefore advisable to carry out a detailed soil and water study to determine the ideal needs throughout the season. Post-harvest foliar and fertigation treatments can be carried out to recover the levels that have fallen due to the high demand of the fruit.
👉 The application of biostimulants during the flowering process ensures higher pollen quality and greater receptivity to fertilization of female flowers. Algae extracts, such as Augeo (Ecklonia Maxima), improve pollen quality and pollen tube length. They also provide the plant with an ideal phytohormone balance between auxins and cytokinins to achieve quality flowering and a load of 15 to 20 fruits per bunch.
Final considerations on the 4 keys to flowering and fruit set of pistachio trees.
- Achieving the chilling hours demanded by each variety is very important for both male and female varieties. Meeting this demand allows synchronization between trees for full fertilization.
- The use of biostimulants improves the pollen quality and receptivity of the female flower to achieve productive and skillful flower buds.
- It is important to finish the crop with a high nutrient demand, in order to ensure sufficient energy for the beginning of flowering in the following season.
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