Flowering and fruit set promoter

AUGEO is an activator of sprouting, flowering and initial fruit development, specially designed to promote plant tissue differentiation and mitigate abiotic stress during the most critical stages of the crop.
The application of AUGEO is indicated from the pre-flowering stages until fruit set, to favor bud differentiation, improve flowering processes (pollen germination power and pollen tube length) and guarantee a greater number of fruits.
Higher pollen quality
Pollen tube elongation
Increased pollen viability to promote flowering and fruit set

How does it work?
Stimulates lateral sprouting
- Synchronizes flower opening
Increases the number of fruit set, fruit size and fruit homogeneity
Reduces flower and fruit drop
- Acts from the beginning of the cycle to reduce abiotic stress.
Dosage and recommended applications
Foliar: 200-300 cc/hl, applications every 15 days from flowering.
Fertigation: 2-4 L/ha 15 days after transplanting and reapplications every 15-20 days during the season.
Potato: tuber dipping at 1%. 2 foliar applications at 0.35% in weeks 4 and 6 after emergence.
Foliar: 200-300 cc/hl, 2 to 3 applications at sprouting, flowering and beginning of fruit set.
- Olive grove: 0.25-0.35%. 2 to 3 applications: sprouting, flowering and 90% petal fall.
- Vineyard: apply before and after flowering and up to 21 days after petal fall.
Foliar: 250-350 cc/hl, 2 to 3 applications in open flower, full bloom and beginning of fruit set.
Foliar: 250-350 cc/hl, 2 to 3 applications from 50% open flower, petal fall and initial fruit development.
Foliar: 250-350 cc/hl, 1 application to 15 cm bud. In white grape Superior Seedless, Thomson, Flame, Crimson: make 3 applications at fruit size of 12, 14 and 16 mm. Red globe variety: 3 applications at fruit size: 4, 8, 12 mm.
Foliar: 200-300 cc/hl
Fertirrigation: 2-4 L/ha
Perform 1 to 2 treatments per cycle, especially in flower bud formation and pre-flowering.
Root dipping: 1-2% before transplanting.
Seedlings: root dipping at 1-2% before transplanting + 2 foliar applications every 15 days at 0.35% (350 cc/hl).
Post-transplant fertilization: 3-5 L/ha injected into the irrigation system.