Power your roots

RENOVO is a root enhancer designed to increase absorption capacity and enhance resistance to negative soil conditions.
- Activates root development. Increases the number of secondary roots and facilitates crop establishment.
Neutralizes abiotic stress and protects the root.
Accelerates the interaction between root and beneficial microorganisms. Prebiotic activity for groups of solubilizing batteries. Promotes the interaction between mycorrhiza and root.
Reduces the percentage of plant replacement and anticipates sprouting in tree crops.
- They increase crop tolerance to biotic stress and protect the root from adverse conditions.

How does it work?
The synergistic blend of physiological inducers, soluble sugars, essential and non-essential amino acids and zinc as auxin precursor, promotes the creation of absorbent hairs and increases root length and thickness. RENOVO accelerates crop establishment and entry into production.
- Stimulates the formation of new roots
- Increases root length and root thickness
- Favors the installation of crops
The application of RENOVO has a direct effect on the installation and growth of microorganisms and accelerates the interaction between mycorrhizae and roots. RENOVO generates ideal conditions in the medium for the development of soil microbiota.
- Prebiotic activity with clusters of solubilizing bacteria
- Promotes interaction between mycorrhizae and roots
RENOVO increases root tolerance to adverse soil conditions, buffering the effect of water and salt stress through increased cell hydration. The application of RENOVO generates more vigorous plants with greater resistance to abrupt changes in development conditions.
- Increases the tolerance of the root system to situations of water, thermal and saline stress.
- It contains elicitor substances that indirectly increase plant tolerance to biotic stress.
- Reduces the number of seedling replacements.
Dosage and recommended applications
Fertigation: 1.5-2 L/ha from transplant and repeat after 15 days according to crop needs and level of development of the aerial part of the plant.
Fertirrigation: 1,5-2,5 L/ha. 1 to 2 applications. 1st application: From sowing of bulbs and tubers until the beginning of germination (green shoots). 2nd application: 20-30 days from first application.
Fertigation: 2 - 3 L/ha at the beginning of development in the aerial part (movement of buds and sprouting).
Fertigation: 2 - 3 L/ha at the beginning of development in the aerial part (movement of buds and sprouting).
Fertigation: 2 - 3 L/ha at the beginning of development in the aerial part (movement of buds and sprouting).
Fertigation: 2 - 3 L/ha at the beginning of development in the aerial part (movement of buds and sprouting).
Seedlings: immersion of the basal part in a 1% solution of Renovo (1 liter per 100 L of water) for 5-10 minutes.
Seedbeds: immersion of the seedbed tray in a 1% solution of Renovo (1 liter per 100 L of water) until complete hydration of the substrate.